I’m so excited to officially introduce you all to “I Lost My Tooth!” It’s my newest kit and its out today!
Has your little one hit that age where baby teeth are being left under the pillow for the tooth fairy? If so, you need this kit! Versatile enough for non-tooth fairy use, too! Suitable for boys AND girls, too!
“I Lost My Tooth!” is a great kit filled with the muted primary tones of red/pink, blue, green, and yellow. It’s loaded with adorable elements to help you mark the special occasion when your child starts losing his or her baby teeth. The papers (12 in all, 7 patterns/5 solids), are very neutral and with the 45 elements included, there is a lot of variety in this kit, making it suitable for projects beyond documenting the tooth fairy, as well. And, with both a “boy” and a “girl” tooth fairy, and lots of blue or pink elements, this kit can be used for both boys and girls with ease! The kit also includes a full alpha – in two colors! Glitter styles are also available separately for both Personal and Commercial use.
Here are a few more images of the kit:
And check out the beautiful layouts that my Creative Team and a couple awesome CT Guests have already created with this kit! You can click on the photo below to visit my gallery and see these beauties in closer detail, too
I love this kit – as usual, its my newest and my current favorite – hope you enjoy it, too!
headed to the store now!!! Thanks for such an amazing kit…I usually don’t like primary colors (I use way too much pink) but these being muted are just adorable.
Tracy, I love the colors in this kit! Great job!