Welcome to the 7th Day of Christmas – we’re over halfway to Christmas! YEAH!
Today, your gift is desktop freebie for February, courtesy of Bree, my amazing CT Manager. All my girls are a special part of my life, truly. Bree means the world to me. She is sweet and caring, compassionate and loyal… and though we have never met in person, I am SO BLESSED to call her my friend. She is an amazing person and I truly can’t imagine my life without her in it! I just felt that on my heart to share, so I hope you don’t mind, lol. Bree has used one of my retired kits, Hearts Abound, to make this desktop freebie for you. Keep an eye out because I plan to release a “reloaded” version of this kit in the near future! Enough chatter from me… click on the preview below to hop on over to Bree’s blog and collect your goodie. And PLEASE remember to say thank you to Bree if you download!
Merry Christmas and see you tomorrow with your 8th gift!
Friends are truly a blessing and I’m so glad to work with you two gals! =)