Hello! I’m here again with Trixie Scraps New Releases for the week and, HOLY COW, these are some fantastic goodies.
From Tracy:
Hi everyone! Can you believe its Friday again? I swear, the older I get, the faster the days and weeks and months speed by. Don’t you feel the same? Well, at least its been another productive week for me! And that means fun new goodies for you!
First up, I am thrilled to tell you that I have a brand new FAN blinkie, courtesy of the amazing Denise Beatty Originals. Denise just knows how to ROCK a blinkie out and this week she used my signature TSD color scheme kit to make both a new FAN blinkie and a new CT blinkie for me. I just LOVE them and think they are so much cooler than my old ones – thanks so much Denise for making them so awesome! By the way, if you’re a designer, I highly recommend Denise’s blinkie and banner services – she is just the BEST at them, there’s no one better! That said, my CT will be on the lookout for FANS sporting the new blinkie on their blogs and in their forum signatures over the course of the next week… and they are armed with some RAKs for some deserving Fans, too! So, if you’re a fan, please sport the new blinkie – you never know who might spot ya and say thanks with a little freebie goodness!

That business out of the way, let’s move on to this week’s new releases. I’m thrilled to be bringing you yet another amazing collab kit. This time, I teamed up with a fellow ScrapMatters designer, Sarah Bennett. I’m telling you, I have really lucked out in the collab partner department lately – these ladies have been a dream to work with and the kits have been (in my opinion) some of my best releases ever! The result of my partnership with Sarah is this beautiful kit we called “Sunday Afternoon.” It’s perfect for all your favorite family photos and captures the essence of warm, homey days spent enjoying the perfect Sunday afternoon! And, if you are a newsletter subscriber, you’re in luck – you can enjoy a 25% off code for this kit, this weekend only! Check the left sidebar of the newsletter in your inbox for your subscriber-only savings!
Sunday Afternoon by Trixie Scraps Designs and Sarah Bennett Designs
Here’s a closer look:
Check out what the Scrap Stars did with the kit – simply gorgeous layouts!
I’ve also got a new set of templates coming your way. This set is the second in my Star Struck series of templates based on the layouts of my creative team. These templates were inspired by the incredible Beth – or, Bethie, as we call her! There’s a big joke on our team about how many times Beth applied for my CT and how many times I rejected her because I thought her email address was weird (not kidding)! Thankfully, she has a good friend on the team who finally kicked me in the butt and told me I really needed to bring Beth on board. My only regret is I wish she had delivered that swift kick much sooner! Beth’s layouts often leave me awe-struck… and these templates represent just six of her amazing layouts. So, I give you Star Struck vol 2: Beth!
Star Struck Templates vol 2: Beth by Trixie Scraps Designs
Here’s some more eye candy from my CT using the new templates!
And that’s all the news for this week! I’m already busily working on another new kit for next week, a couple new grab bags and MORE! May is going to be a super fun month and we’re quickly speeding towards it. I can’t wait to celebrate NSD and my birthday month with all of you – it’ll be here before you know it! Have a GREAT weekend!