Hello Trixie Scraps Fans! Shannon here, back with your Weekly Wrap Up. We had a fun week and want to make sure you didn’t miss out on anything!
Are you curious who won last weeks swatch contest? Keep reading and I’ll let you know!
Did you add your layouts to the Sunday’s Show Off comments? You can earn a free prize for doing it! You definitely don’t want to miss out on that.
Monday was Hybrid Monday. Sandy showed you how to make a perch for her incredible bird house. Isn’t she talented? I know the team would love to see your hybrid project made with Trixie Scraps’ kits.
On Technique Tuesday Erica showed us how to use Brushes and Fonts on Titles. I love learning new ways to improve my layouts. Not only do you guys get to learn something new you can get something from Tracy for posting your layout in the comment section!
Who Are You Wednesday featured the newest member on our team – ScrapMelly. I definitely learned a lot about her and you can too!
Thursday was our Challenge Thursday. Carrin challenged us to Scrap By Numbers. The winner of those that post their layouts for this challenge will get a free kit from Trixie herself!
Yesterday was Fun Font Friday. Lisa gave us an great font! It was perfect for her layout and I know it will be perfect for anything you need!
Thank you for making a post like this! I always end up forgetting to do a challenge or submit a LO and this really helps 🙂
forgot to add that I am so stoked that that swatch was picked….can’t wait to see what theme Tracy chose!