Bree here with a little twist to our typical Who are you Wednesday post!
This week I decided that instead of interviewing one person, I’d take the opportunity to interview the whole team, and let me tell you, there are some characters in this bunch!
But I love each one of these ladies, and I appreciate all the hard work they do for Trixie!
What I did was set up a bit of a survey to find out what kind of things they liked to scrap with, and maybe just maybe, their thoughts line up with yours. It was also interesting to see the diversity of some of their answers!
And well, it might be a good hint as to what we’ll see coming from Trixie down the line? Who knows!
My first Question: What is your favorite Trixie Scraps Kit?
8 out of 14 said Sunday Afternoon Collab with Sarah Bennett
The rest were one vote each for
Defining Me
You’re a Star
Gotta Hug collab with simply.scraps
What element{s} can you not live without?
Buttons = 0
Flowers = 12%
Stitches = 21%
Ribbon/Ric Rac = 9%
Papers = 15%
Staples = 9%
String = 9%
Alphas = 6%
Sometimes there are themes that you just have to have, what kind of themes do you love?
6 of my sweet teammates are just kit junkies. They want it all!!!
7 of them are pretty specific when they go looking for things:
- Disney Colors
- Fourth of July {That’s me!}
- I love Halloween Kits. Love em.
- Definitely red, white, and blue kits. I’m a patriotic kit junkie. BTW, kit junkie fits too…
- I’m an equal opportunity kit buyer, but I tend to gravitate toward anything Disney, zoo, girly or beach/tropical (though I don’t have a lot of pictures to go with them.) If a kit has bright colors it has a tendency of finding it’s way into my cart, too.
- anything sweet and lovey dovey!
- pretty much any kind of princess/girly kit with lots of pink!
The last one is my sweet Fran, who is a smart alek {that I adore} and selected: I think you’re nuts Bree, I don’t need to have anything!
What color seems to be your most favorite for scrapping with?
Red = 14%
Green = 14%
Blue = 43%
Pink = 14%
Brown = 14%
No one regularly uses: Clear, orange, yellow, purple, black, and white
What program do you use to scrap with?
4 of us use Photoshop CS {any version}
9 of us use Photoshop Elements
1 of us uses Paint Shop Pro
1 of us uses Photoshop in Japanese!!
Another uses Elements to scrap and CS3 for shadows
Other programs: Corel Draw and Picasa
Fran uses Internet Explorer. She’s just that good!
Aren’t we all so different? I thought so too! 😀
Well, and we have one more thing for you today! Fran was awesome {SEE! I LOVE HER!} and made up for all of you a desktop for July! 😀 She’s fantastic like that, and so is this desktop! 🙂

Download here
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Jun. 30, 2010. Thanks again.
I love surveys…you should do one for your fans just for fun!!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [30 Jun 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I will surely do one for the fans! 😀 Thanks for reading!