Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you an easy-peasy way to make your own alpha. This can be a great way to supplement your stash, and if you make your own, you’ll be able to customize to your heart’s content!
Now comes the fun part…the decorating!! I am a style junkie (in Photoshop, not clothes LOL), so I am going to use It’s a Slumber Party {glitter styles} on my alpha. To stylize your alpha, make sure that the font layer is selected in the layers palette, and then click on the style that you want to use. Voila, your alpha now has some style!
Now, we could leave it at that, but I want to add an outline to add some definition to my alpha. On your font layer, double click on ‘Effects’ to bring up the Layer Style box. Select ‘Stroke’ at the bottom left of the box.
After selecting stroke, you can change the size and color of your outline. I’m going to use a white outline, and I’m setting the size at 15px. For me, an outline of 15px works well for a sticker effect.
And that’s it…the last thing to do is to save the alpha as a PNG file.
Selections > Select All
Selections > Float (this will precisely outline your text)
Selections > Invert
Then go to your paper layer and tap the Delete key to remove the excess. Either delete the typed layer or move it under your pretty paper. You could stop here, but if you want an outline around your image, follow the next step.
Do Selections > Select All and Selections > Float on the paper layer again.
Now choose:
Selections > Modify > Expand. Choose a number as you desire, I usually choose around 10-25, depending on my needs.
Then move under your pretty paper layer. If you wish to color fill a solid color, choose the color you wish, ie white, and choose the Flood Fill (F) command and click inside your marching ants.
If you wish to use another paper for your outline, do Selections > Invert again. Add another paper as your new layer underneath your first paper and tap delete. Then you can either shadow each paper layer or merge together before shadowing, however you desire.
You could also clip a photograph or a paper from a kit to your font to create an alpha. And in addition to alphas, you could make frames…custom shapes…the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
I hope this has encouraged some of you to try something new! Have a wonderful week, friends.
Get ready, get set,

Thank you for this lesson!