It’s day two of my little contest to guess where my new store will be! I’m really so excited about it… its hard to keep it to myself! Hope I don’t blow the surprise too soon!!
Don’t forget, leave me a comment here for a chance to win a $15 gift certificate to my brand new store. A winner will be chosen/announced on grand opening day and she’ll be picked from all the comments on my blog from now until then! One final note for today – make sure to look below for my contribution to this month’s 100+ designer blog train!

I’ll say Elemental Scraps!
Thanks for the chance, can’t wait to see it revealed!
Today I’ll guess theDigiChick. 🙂
Ahhh! I’m no good at guessing….sorry!
I’m going to guess Elemental Scraps.
Zig Zag Scraps is my guess today.
I have a different google name than the user name I use in the forum at scrap matters, plus I use a different email account for google too. If I win (I seriously want to redeem myself lol),I’m trying to think how you could contact me without putting my real email on the net, because the email associated with this google account is like a dummy account I created for this account. I hardly ever check it. Maybe this would give you a clue.. I won a free kit from you on the Gotta Pixel forum @ your grand opening, but I didn’t realize that I won ,so the coupon expired and I got nothing instead like a big dummy. When the chronic pain shoots up, I don’t get on the net. By time I felt good enough to get back on the net , I found the coupon pm by accident in my account there only to find the coupon had expired 2 days before I found it. Ahhhh!! Did that jog your memory?? I have the same user name on GP as on SM and it starts with a CM. tee hee
Today I’ll guess Scrapbook Bytes.