Hello Trixie Fans! Shannon here bringing you another addition of Special Request Saturday. It’s been 2 weeks since I posted asking for you to pick your favorite Tracy kit for a chance to win it. Did you look at her stores? Did you find a kit? Did you leave us a comment with the name of that kit? If so – then you have a chance to win! So without further ado – the winner of the Special Request Saturday is…are you ready?…are you sure?…the one….and only…Lwentkie! Congratulations LWentkie, you won your favorite kit Love My Guy!!! (Great choice by the way).
Now let’s talk about this past week. We’ve had a lot of fun and I hope you did too.
On Sunday Bree showed us some of the incredible layouts Trixie’s fans have made.
Manic Monday Carrin gave a coupon towards Cute Lil Punkin! Hopefully you were able to pick it up!
Theresa gave us some tips on how to make layout without any pics. Don’t you just love learning new Tips and Techniques?
Jamie interviewed Candy on Who Are You Wednesday.
Thursday brought Jen out when she challenged us to make a layout about Grandparents.
We did “Feature Friday” a day late so we could show you Trixie’s Gotta Grab It products that debuted today at Gotta Pixel. Look for today’s post for the great new stuff!
Please leave a comment (with your email address) about what 9/11 means to you and we’ll pick a random winner in 2 weeks.
Take today and treasure it – like we treasure all of you.
Oh wow!! I can’t believe I won! Thank you so much! Looking forward to getting the kit and making a fun page.
To me 9/11 was a serious wakeup call to our country that we are vulnerable terrorist attacks on our own land.
9/11 means a time of reflection for me to give thanks to God to still be alive and to pray for the men and women who lost their lives that day and the ones that survived and pray for their families. And to pray for the men and women in military and public service positions for the sacrifice that do daily for our freedom and protection.
To me, 9/11 is a time to remember that God is sovereign, even in the face of suffering and loss. My trust isn’t in the government or military, it’s in a God who loves me deeply and personally. I’m so thankful for that!
To me, one who has studied the Jewish origins of the Christian faith and the true Hebrew scriptures that make up the Old Testiment in the Bible before the mix up during translation to our language, I knew that 9/11 was the beginning of the countdown to the end of our time as spoken about in Revelations and the beginning of the muslem rise to power and the end of democracy and the demise of
America as we knew it. It will never be the way it was ever again.
The words spoken to George Washington in a vision/dream by the Lord which says…” the Republic will remain, but there will be 4 wars fought on our land” , leave me wondering if we’ve only suffered through 3 of the wars mentioned and that the 4th
war still hasn’t been fought.
Now…as a fellow American incredibly patriotic person who loves and stands by the principles that “our fore fathers” gave us… ..I woke up to find that my beloved country was attacked in one of the most pointless horrific way I have ever seen a country attacked. Then my thoughts went straight to the people that were in the tower above the impact points knowing they would never get out alive and the people kiled on those floors impacted directly and then all of the other people that were in the tower but not coming out even though I repeatedly yelled for them to run. Are all of those lives on the planes, and the towers,and the fire fighters w/police,all of the wives w/no husbands,all of the husbands w/no wives, and even now looking back on all of the people that got various diseases and cancer that have died since 9/11 from the contaminated air that the officials said was ok to breathe,
the cost of being free and Christian in today’s world? I just sat there on my couch and cried like a baby for hours.
CM Silly@ gotta pixel and scrap matter