Hello Trixie Scraps Fans! I’m checking in today at 40* and sunny! WOOT! We had a few submissions into the Trixie Scraps gallery this week, and I’d love to show them off for you!

You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at ScrapMatters, Gotta Pixel, Funky Playground Designs or Scrapbook Bytes.
For participating this week you’ll be receiving Gingham Goodness vol. 2 from Trixie’s Store!

Wanna play along? READ HERE on how to become part of the Saturday Show-Offs!
Last, but certainly most important, my weekly wrap up! Like I said, a lot has been going on this week, you’ll want to make sure you check in on this!
Sunday Erica introduced us to Carrin aka Twinderland Scraps, who creates fantastic blogwear from Trixie’s kits!
Monday was Manic Monday in Trixie’s shops! I hope you were able to pick up Oceanside for the amazing discount she had it on! Monday was also Dollar pixel day, and she discounted Nature Girl! I hope you were able to take advantage of the great Monday deals!
Tuesday Sheila shared with us a great tip for shrinking and storing your photos!
Wednesday Shauna reminded us that this Monday {January 31st} is our first Book Club meeting! So start reading! {I love this book!!!}
Thursday Theresa challenged us to use word strips for Journaling! Take part and make sure you post your layout in the Trixie Scraps Gallery so you can be a show off {and win something awesome} next week!
Friday Trixie showed us what she released this week! There’s tons of new coordinating goodies for Bedtime Darling, so make sure you check out this post!
Don’t Forget! Add Trixie’s fan page on Facebook and you could join the Stars!
That’s it for me today! I hope that you have a great weekend!!!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * Scrap Matters * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground