Happy Saturday digi-scrappers! Bree here with another Super Saturday post!! We’ve had a LOT of information fly through the blog this week, and there is quite a bit going on this weekend. First of all though, I do want to make sure that all you ladies {and any gents} see this. It’s a remarkable opportunity for Trixie’s fans, and I’m excited to see who will be joining the Stars for 3 months!
You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at ScrapMatters, Gotta Pixel, Funky Playground Designs or Scrapbook Bytes.
For participating this week you’ll be receiving a $3 off code to Trixie’s Store!
Wanna play along? READ HERE on how to become part of the Saturday Show-Offs!
This week I had the unique privilege of having some of my photo-less layouts turned into templates. Trixie did an amazing job with them, and the girls have been playing with them. I love everything that they’ve created, and I’m excited to show their layouts off to you!
Last, but certainly most important, my weekly wrap up! Like I said, a lot has been going on this week, you’ll want to make sure you check in on this!
Sunday Amy asked us to voice what kind of element packs you’re looking for! If Trixie likes your idea and creates it, you’ll get it for FREE! So make sure to put in your 2 cents!
Monday Sharon showed off some great hybrid stuff you can make for the games coming up this weekend {and even the Superbowl!} Make sure you check these out! I know I’m going to give hybrid a shot just for this fun stuff!
Tuesday Jamie gave us some great examples of how to use brushes creatively on our layouts! I also got codes out for the last little while for those that earned them, and I am still missing a contact email for NutsAboutGabe!
Wednesday Shauna introduced us to our new Wednesday feature, Wordy Wednesday! The Stars have done one book club a few months back, and we had so much fun chatting about it, that we thought we’d do another and invite all of you! This session we are reading “House Rules” by Jodi Picoult. I started Thursday night, and let me tell you, it’s a great book! So jump on over and get the details so you can join us!
Thursday Bethie gave us a great challenge to use our patterned papers is our layouts! Great inspiration too! Check it out!
Friday Lindsey popped in and showed off the newest release this week, the Just Journalin’ Templates vol. 2, which {as I mentioned earlier} were created using some of my layouts!
Here are a few other things you won’t want to miss either!

Hope you can join Trixie and everyone for the fun! Have a wonderful weekend! See you next week!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * Scrap Matters * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground