Hello, blog readers! Today I’d like to talk to you about something that so many of us neglect to focus on in our scrapbooking…ourselves! We’ll scrap about our kids, our pets, and big events…but so many times, we forget to scrap about who we are. Scrapping about myself is something that I have to make a concerted effort to do, but it is so worth it. The ‘All About Me’ (AAM) pages will all my daughter and the others who will come behind me to know something about who I was, and who I am.
For me, it is often difficult to know where to begin with AAM pages…so today, I want to share with you some layout and journaling ideas for scrapbooking about yourself.
Please note that if you are posting these layouts online, you might want to blur out or hide any personal identifying information.
- What’s in a name? Scrap about your given name…does it have special meaning? Were you named after someone?
- Your birth stats. If you have your hospital bracelet or other special mementos, you might consider scanning them and using them on your layout.
- School. What schools did you attend? Who were your favorite teachers and subjects? What classes did you excel at, and which ones did you struggle with?
- What were your favorite toys &/or games as a child?
- Tell about your childhood best friend(s).
- What is the soundtrack of your youth? When you think about your growing up years, which songs come to mind?
- Did your family have any special traditions when you were growing up?
- What did you want to be when you grew up? What appealed to you about that career?
- Share a special memory. Perhaps it was a big party, or a gift that you always wanted…or perhaps it was discovering that Sweet 16 wasn’t quite sweet.
- Your own top ten list. Favorite books, favorite places, etc; use your imagination and come up with a list that lets everyone know your likes and dislikes.
- Pet peeves. We all have them…what are yours?
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- What hobbies do you enjoy? Is there something that you are interested in but haven’t tried?
- We’ve all had struggles. Some we overcome more easily than others, and some we always seem to be fighting. Journal about some of the struggles you have dealt with in your lifetime.
- What is the proudest moment or accomplishment that you have experienced in your life?
- What’s on your bucket list?
Here are a few examples from the Scrap Stars…
From Bree, using Sunday Afternoon
From Bree, using Daisy Crazy
From Amy, using Defining Me
I hope that we have given you some ideas and inspiration for scrapping about yourself. If you have any ideas for AAM pages that you would love to share, please leave us a comment with some inspiration for us!

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Trixie Scraps Shop * Scrap Matters * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground