Hey there, blog readers! I hope you are enjoying the start of the most beautiful month of the year (May is my birthday and anniversary month…plus you’ve got Mother’s Day thrown in there too!). I’m here to bring you another fantastic Trixie Scraps Stars challenge. I hope you enjoy what I’ve pulled together for you.
There are times that I have a kit that I absolutely adore and tons of photos that I want to scrap, but I have a hard time bringing it all together. I recently stumbled across the Friday Letters website and found the answer to my struggles! This site is a place where scrappers and photographers can find inspiration in weekly prompts. There are about 180 prompts and I found so many that I have tucked away for future use when I’m in need of a little push to keep me going. I found one, though, that immediately got the gears turning. So, my challenge for you today is to take this question “What event do you look forward to each year?” and turn it into an awe-inspring layout.
Here’s mine, using Oceanside and a brand spankin’ new template due out tomorrow in the latest Templatetopia set. You don’t want to miss it!!!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground