Merry Christmas Eve Trixie Scraps fans! Bree here, and I’ve tons of info for you! So make sure you buckle your coffee cup right into your hand, you’re going to want to stay awake for all this! 😀
This month, Trixie has been doing a Daily Download of one of her newest kits, Blue Christmas. If you have missed any of the downloads, or you’d like to get it all now, it’s available in her store! If you don’t know what you’re missing, here are some great pages Trixie’s stars have put together using the kit! They are simply STUNNING!
We’ve had lots of stuff going on here on Trixie’s blog, don’t worry! We have your round up including tips & tricks, sales, challenges and any FREEBIES that have come by!
Saturday Trixie posted about all her amazing new releases! If you’re lucky, you may be able to still download the FREEBIE that she posted too!
Sunday Michele interviewed the last Scrap Star, Jamie! She’s got some great pages for inspiration! Check them out!
Tuesday Stacey showed us a great trend right now, cut outs on your layouts! She also gave a great tutorial on how to make them yourself OR you can pick up some of Trixie’s templates!
Thursday Lori challenged us to scrap with the color BLUE! If you play along make sure to upload your layout to Trixie Scraps Gallery, and I will feature you with the other show offs next week!
Also, if you were around last year, Candy led us through the month of December helping us create a December Daily scrapbook! This year she is back, with amazing prompts and a DECEMBER DAILY FREEBIE! I will make sure to keep track of all the amazing prompts for you, but make sure you check back every day for the FREEBIE that is posted! They won’t last long at all!
December 1st Introduction to December Daily!
December 2nd Christmas Tree Photos
December 3rd Weather and the beginning of the DECEMBER DAILY DOWNLOAD FREEBIE
December 4th Advent Calendars
December 5th To Do Lists
December 6th Saint Nicholas
December 7th Gift Wrapping
December 8th Christmas Cards
December 9th Elf on the Shelf
December 10th Top 10 Lists
December 11th Performance Shots
December 12th Ordinary Beauty
December 13th Christmas Baking
December 14th Photos out and about
December 15th Giving Back
December 16th A Visit to Santa
December 17th Christmas Lights
December 18th Routines
December 19th Newsletters
December 20th Holiday Travel
December 21st Homemade gifts
December 22nd Catalogs
December 23rd Group Photos

We had some wonderful submissions to the Trixie Scraps Gallery this week for Show Offs! So how do you get involved in the Show Offs? Simply upload your layout using Trixie Scraps products to Trixie Scraps Gallery and I’ll put it in next weeks Show Off slideshow! We’ll then send you a code via Trixie Scraps Gallery message system for your prize! It’s that simple! Make sure you check your messages often, as the prizes do expire! It does take us a week or two to get you your code, so please be patient!
You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at Gotta Pixel, Funky Playground Designs or Scrapbook Bytes.
The participants for the above Show-Offs will receive Blue Christmas WordArt

Well, that’s it from me!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!
Remember to take photos and I’ll see you next week!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground