Do you have a group or family shot for your album yet? If not, try to grab one this week.
Aim to get the picture when everyone has arrived at the gathering rather than at the end, when everyone is tired and may be getting impatient to leave. You may also want to start out with a fun shot, say, everyone doing jazz hands, to lighten the mood and get people comfortable in front of the camera. Take several pictures so you can get as many open eyes as possible!
Don’t forget to list the names of everyone in the picture and where it was taken in your album. You may want to include the ages of any children in the pictures as well.
And here’s your daily download freebie for Day 23. Remember, the links are only available for 24 hours, so grab it quick! The links will be removed every day after 24 hours have passed and there will be no make-up links sent out, so please do not email us to ask for links to an expired download. If you miss any of the days, you will be able to purchase the entire kit in Trixie’s store here. Thanks for understanding!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
thanks for todays part
Thank you so much!
Thank You!!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Dec. 24, 2011. Thanks again.