Does your family use an Advent Calendar to count-down to the big day? 2010 was our first go with the Lego Advent calendar. It was such a huge hit that we are doing it again this year. In fact, it was so popular that my kids had a countdown to the first of December so they could start using it.
Don’t have an Advent Calendar? Use your digi-supplies to quickly whip one up. Print a full sheet of your favorite Christmas theme paper. Put the paper back into your printer and on the opposite side print an activity or goodie for each day. Cut your cards up and insert them each into a numbered envelope. Hole punch the corners of the envelopes and hang them on a binder ring.
Or if you really want to flex your hybrid muscle and make Advent boxes, as featured here. You can even use your December Daily supplies to make sure your photos coordinate!
Each morning your children can take out the card and see what that day’s activity or treat will be. You can refer back to your calendar and include activities that are already scheduled or incorporate some of our ideas below!
Make cookies
Deliver gifts to your neighbors
Bake a birthday cake for Jesus
Make an ornament for the tree
Watch a Christmas movie
Sing your favorite Christmas carols
Make hot chocolate
Drive around to see the lights
Wrap gifts
Pictures with Santa
Make a gingerbread house
Christmas Eve Service
Attend a living nativity
Go to a Christmas Parade
Baking Day
And here’s your daily download freebie for Day 4. Remember, the links are only available for 24 hours, so grab it quick! The links will be removed every day after 24 hours have passed and there will be no make-up links sent out, so please do not email us to ask for links to an expired download. If you miss any of the days, you will be able to purchase the entire kit in Trixie’s store. Thanks for understanding!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
Thanks so much for the daily download. Can’t wait to see it all together!
Oh I love advent calendars, we always had them when we were younger. In Holland, we celebrate Sinterklaas on the 5th of December: it’s the same story as Santa Claus, but then not at Christmas time. They are both called Saint Nicolas for a reason…
Anyhow, every year ‘he’ gave us those cheap chocolate ones in the days before Sinterklaas.
Last year I had a ‘grown up version’ from Lindt chocolate: pretty, delicious, tradition. And this year I will use the TS daily download advent calender to countdown to Christmas time! 🙂
Thanks a lot for day 4!
Thank you for more pieces to this beautiful kit!
I used Advent calendars when my daughters were little – they couldn’t wait to open the next little door – it did help them learn patience and to share as they took turns.
I like the idea of a planned activity each day.
Great idea for the daily activities. This kit is just beautiful and I appreciate you sharing it.
thanks so much
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Dec. 05, 2011. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Dec. 05, 2011. Thanks again.