Hello Trixie fans! It’s a super busy weekend for me, as I’ve got baking and gift making on my list! So grab a cup and lets get to it!
This week I want to show you the amazing Grab-a-Byte kit combination that Trixie put together this month! It is one of my personal favorites! Remember Bethlehem has 6 amazing pieces and it’s available at $1 each! So get it before it’s combined and the price goes up!
We’ve had lots of stuff going on here on Trixie’s blog, don’t worry! We have your round up including tips & tricks, sales, challenges and any FREEBIES that have come by!
Sunday Beth showed us the amazing color pallet that Trixie chose to create a kit from! Congrats to Andastra! Make sure you check out this stunning color combo! I cannot wait for this kit!
Monday Erica announced the Christmas 50% off sale that runs through tomorrow! Get in on these amazing deals!
Tuesday Kris did a great post on different ways you can use the technology that you have at your fingertips daily! Trixie also annouced her Gotta Grab It and Grab-a-Byte kits and her awesome Christmas sale! Don’t miss any of the awesome stuff she has at great prices!
Thursday Jennifer challenged us to scrap layouts featuring us or our loved ones in the kitchen, or your favorite family recipe! If you play along, don’t forget to upload your layouts to Trixie Scraps Gallery so I can feature you in next week’s show offs!
Also, if you were around last year, Candy led us through the month of December helping us create a December Daily scrapbook! This year she is back, with amazing prompts and a DECEMBER DAILY FREEBIE! I will make sure to keep track of all the amazing prompts for you, but make sure you check back every day for the FREEBIE that is posted! They won’t last long at all!
December 1st Introduction to December Daily!
December 2nd Christmas Tree Photos
December 3rd Weather and the beginning of the DECEMBER DAILY DOWNLOAD FREEBIE
December 4th Advent Calendars
December 5th To Do Lists
December 6th Saint Nicholas
December 7th Gift Wrapping
December 8th Christmas Cards
December 9th Elf on the Shelf
December 10th Top 10 Lists
December 11th Performance Shots
December 12th Ordinary Beauty
December 13th Christmas Baking
December 14th Photos out and about
December 15th Giving Back
December 16th A Visit to Santa

This week we had several beautiful layouts from Trixie Scraps Gallery! Many were made with the Daily Download kit Blue Christmas. So how do you get involved in the Show Offs? Simply upload your layout using Trixie Scraps products to Trixie Scraps Gallery and I’ll put it in next weeks Show Off slideshow! We’ll then send you a code via Trixie Scraps Gallery message system for your prize! It’s that simple! Make sure you check your messages often, as the prizes do expire! It does take us a week or two to get you your code, so please be patient!
You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at Gotta Pixel, Funky Playground Designs or Scrapbook Bytes.
The participants for the above Show-Offs will receive Remember Bethlehem Glittered Mats!
Well, that’s it for me this week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend making memories with your family!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
Oh my goodness — how fun to see my layout in your Show Off’s slideshow. Thank You so much!!!!