Happy New Year, Trixie Scraps fans! I hope you all had a grand time last night and rang in the new year in style! I, like many other people, don’t really like setting up resolutions for myself because, well…I almost always forget about it by March. Instead of setting myself up for failure this year, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwangon and choose just one word to focus on for the year. My word for this year is balance. As a working mom to preschool-aged twins with budding social lives, I often find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off! My hope for this year is that I am able to find a balance between all the aspects of my life which will ultimately make for a happier, and healthier, me. All that said, for today’s Special Request Sunday, I want to know what your word for 2012 will be. Go ahead and leave a comment here on the blog with your word and a little blurb about why you chose it. We’ll be back on January 15th to choose a winner. The prize, you ask? Well, how about this awesome collab by North Meets South Studios, aka Trixie Scraps and Connie Prince. It’s the perfect kit to help you scrap your word!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
My word for this year is CREATE. I want to create things in all aspects of my life-home, work, family and church. Maybe I can create a balance of some sort?? 🙂 Happy New Year!
My words are Little Stuff. There is a book called Don’t Sweat the Little Stuff that I’ve read years ago. With a 6 year old and an 8 year old a full time job, girl and boy scouts, PTO, and normal daily life, I’d like to work on “not sweating the little stuff” this year and focus more on my family! Your comments on balance are right on for me as well. It’s hard finding the right balance and the little stuff isn’t that important! Thanks for the chance.
My word would be Challenge. I want to challenge myself to try new things, and learn new things. Of course, participating in various forum challenges is always a good thing right? That means more pages done!
My words for this year “Enjoy Each Day”.
There has been much sadness with family and friends(illness and death) in this past year for me. It made me realize how fragile and fleeting life can be so I will live and enjoy all the happenings, big and small, of each day.
Thank you for the chance to win.
My word is Thankful … I am working on being thankful. I just finished a book called One Thousand Gifts in which the author was challenged (and challenged her readers) to make a list of 1,000 things that she loved and/or was thankful for. I didn’t initially like the idea (it’s much easier to complain :)), but it’s become fun. Thanks for the chance (and another thing to add to my thankful list ;))!
My word will be short but complete: GO.
I have a lot of dreams for myself, some very realistic and others a lot less. But I never fulfill these dreams if I don’t try. So this year for me will be about going; doing the things I want. Making it happen, or at least making an effort.
My word is NOW… Now is the time to make things happen, Now is when I need to do things that I prefer not to do (laundry, clean the house, run errands, cook), Now is the time to get healthier, workout and eat better, Now is the time to be my better self to bless my family.
And of course, Now is the perfect time to make fun stuff, keep my scarpbooks to date, create, involve, and grow.
Have a great year!!
My word for this year is ENJOY. I want to just enjoy life, the big and small moments. I realized that I wasn’t stopping to enjoy my life. I want to ENJOY my husband, my kids, my church, my life! Thanks for the chance to ENJOY a wonderful kit!
My word for this year is Refine. This year I want to refine myself. I want to start presenting myself as more of a professional, as a better wife, sister, daughter, etc. I am a young professional trying to build my career references and am hoping to be looked at less as a baby sitter and more as a child care provider. Thanks for the chance.
SURRENDER. Because I think if I finally “get it” God will quit trying to teach me about surrender.
My word for this year is Simple .. I want to keep my life simple and not continue stretching myself silly trying to keep everyone else happy .. keep my house simple and stop the clutter … enjoy the simple things more! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2012! 🙂
Wow, ladies! Those are some great words…keep ’em coming!
My word is “back up” and has a dual purpose. First, I want to not rush but to “back up”, slow down, and enjoy the day. The 2nd purpose is “backup” … to backup my files so that I don’t loose those memories I have stored on my computer.
My word for the year is POSITIVE. I want to look at life positively and have that reflect in everything I do.
My word will be Serenity. It was a hard year for me. I need to learn to be relaxed and to take more free time.
HEALTH is my word. I need to focus on all the aspects of health, because my family needs me and I owe it to myself.
May 2012 bring many blessings to all of you!!!! =)
My word is Reduce. I want to reduce stress, reduce debt, reduce weight, and reduce clutter. The only thing I don’t want to reduce is my scrapbook stash… I want that to grow!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
My word for this year is Reorganize. I need to reorganize my digi-scrap supplies, reorganize my house and reorganize my priorities! Spending more time with family is at the top of my priority list!
My word is also balance, If I can just grasp the concept there should be changes that will positively effect every aspect of my life both physically and spiritually. I am looking forward to seeing the progress and joy acheiving balance will bring this year! Thanks for a chance to win your amazing new kit!
My word is INVEST. I want to invest more time to sit down and learn the fine art of digi scrapping! I’ve tried so many times, but get overwhelmed. The more time I invest in this endeavor the more successful I will be!