This is my first time doing a Sunday Spotlight and I am so excited because it is a chance to connect with other digi-scrappers and feel a bit more like a community of friends who share a fantastic hobby. I wanted us to get to know Gwen (gigichet) a little bit better! Gwen has been around digiland for awhile so let’s get to know her! Here are a few questions and answers from her:
Tell us a little about yourself:
Well let me see what I can come up with…I have been married since 2000 to my soul mate and it is the second marriage for both of us…. you know that old saying if at first you do not succeed try, try again. I have two grown children and 4 awesome grandkids. You will see a lot of them in my digital scrapping. I do not work outside of the home so I get to play a lot and if you ask my kids they will tell you that my laptop seems to be attached to my hip. I live in Coldwater, Michigan but I am originally from Alabama.
How long have you been scrapping and how did you get into digi?
I have been doing digital scrapping for about 10 years now and I still learn something new almost every day. I love doing scrap booking and got into paper scrapping first cause it was something that my daughter and I could do together. I got tired of having so much to take with me every time I went somewhere to scrap that I thought of trying digital scrapping and I LOVE it. Well after I learned my program I did anyway…lol. My daughter still does paper scrapping and I finally gave her all of my supplies last year, which made her and a lot of her friends very happy.
What is your favorite Trixie kit?
That is another hard question as I like them all, but one of my favorites is Love of a Lifetime.
and I have used it in one of my favorite layouts
What do you like to scrap about?
Well if you look in my albums you will see lots of layouts about the grandkids, kids and my hubby…they are my favorite subjects.
What inspires your layouts, ie: templates, others galleries, kits, etc?
Usually I look at the kit and immediately think of how I want to use it and then go looking for pictures.
Why do you like digital scrapbooking?
Oh I LOVE the no mess and cleanup of digital…if I do not like where I place something just hit delete and I do not have to deal with messy glue or tape. When getting ready to go scrapping I just grab my computer and I am ready to go.
What is your favorite TS layout?
Well I love two in particular and they are the one from above with my hubby using Love of a Lifetime,
and this one of my beautiful sister using My Sister, My Friend
If you could have dinner with anyone, famous or not, living or dead, real or fiction, who would it be and why?
Wow that is another tough question and the first person that pops into my mind is my Dad. He passed away in April 2008 and I never got the chance to tell him goodbye. So I would love to have another chance to tell him that I loved him and ask him all kinds of questions about heaven.
Thank you so much Gwen for sharing a little bit about yourself with us! We look forward to seeing more of your beautiful layouts in the Trixie Scraps Gallery

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground