Hi Trixie Scrap Fans!
This week Trixie, Candy, and I have been doing a lot of “Behind The Scenes” work to make the Trixie Scraps blog more enjoyable and relevant to you! This week will be the last week of Super Saturday, but don’t worry, all the content you’ve come to enjoy will still be on the blog! We are excited for the changes that will be taking place, which start February 1st, and we hope you enjoy them too! So keep coming back! Some of the changes will be subtle, and some of them are going to be lots of fun! We will still keep our challenges and tutorials as well, as we know how much you all enjoy those! {Truth be told, the Stars love them too!}
Enough of my rambling, lets get moving to the Wrap Up and Show Offs!
We’ve had lots of stuff going on here on Trixie’s blog, don’t worry! We have your round up including tips & tricks, sales, challenges and any FREEBIES that have come by!
Sunday JamieB did a wonderful interview with Gwen, also known as Gigichet! Jamie made sure to include a few pages from Gwen’s gallery to inspire you!
Monday Trixie announced a contest/giveaway to guess her new store that was opening up! She also announced that she is retiring up to 50 items from her store, at $1 each!!! Those are amazing savings!! Make sure you get in on that sale!
Kris also announced the Must Have Monday Product of the Week! It’s not on sale any longer, but I do hope you were able to snag it at the amazing price Trixie had it for! We do that 2x’s per month, at least! So make sure you’re checking in with us so you don’t miss any of those great deals!
Tuesday Stacy went on a hunt through the Trixie Scraps Gallery and found some wonderful pages! But what she also found, is that there is an amazing, and beautiful trend going on, using large photos! Check out the pages she found!
Thursday JamieD posted a fun challenge for us all to do, a “Scrap By Numbers” challenge, she also included in her list a way to include a large photo like from Tuesday’s trend! The Stars {myself included} played along, and we had lots of fun! There are so many great pages to give you inspiration! We’d love to see you play along with us, if you do, use Trixie’s products and post it in the Trixie Scraps Gallery and we will feature you in the next Show Off!
Friday Trixie announced the winner of her new store contest, AND she announced her new store!! She’s having a sale over there for her Grand Opening! So make sure to check that out too!!
I love that every month the Stars put together a desktop FREEBIE for us to use! This month, Stacey made one for us with Owl Always Love You! Make sure you pick it up here and say thanks!
Trixie posted about Scrapbook-Bytes birthday celebration! They will be having lots of fun in their forum, and in addition to that, there is a huge sale and a free with purchase collab that is so pretty! Make sure you read this post to get all the details!

Like I said earlier, this is the last week for SATURDAY Show Offs. In February, we will be moving to Sundays, and it will only be 2x’s per month.
We had 2 amazing pages in the Trixie Scraps Gallery this week, lets take a look!
So how do you get involved in the Show Offs? Simply upload your layout using Trixie Scraps products to Trixie Scraps Gallery and I’ll put it in next weeks Show Off slideshow! We’ll then send you a code via Trixie Scraps Gallery message system for your prize! It’s that simple! Make sure you check your messages often, as the prizes do expire! It does take us a week or two to get you your code, so please be patient!

You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at Gotta Pixel, Funky Playground Designs, or Scrapbook Bytes
The participants for the above Show-Offs will receive If The Slipper Fits Clusters!

Well, that’s it for me! See you in a couple weeks!
Keep Scrapping!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
So exciting! Can´t wait to see the new blog!