Hello again! It’s the last Wednesday in March. Can you believe that?!? It seems that spring has settled in over most of the United States, though winter is coming for those in the Southern Hemisphere. I am super-excited for April though, and you’ll see why in the sneak peek at the end of the post!
Let’s look at the blog posts from last week, so you can be sure you didn’t miss anything!
On Thursday, Shauna hooked us up with an awesome recipe challenge. Check it out, follow the recipe and finish up with a page you’ll love! Be sure to put your page in the Trixie Scraps Gallery so you can be a show-off!
Friday, Trixie Scraps announced a 40% off sale on all spring themed products! You know you’re going to be taking tons of spring photos in the next few weeks, so stock up on your page supplies now through Easter (April 8). Do it now, so you don’t forget! And don’t forget to swing by and grab the super-cute Out of This World freebie that coordinates with one of the TWO amazing kits that are now available in all of Trixie Scraps’ stores!
Lori took us on a tour through the gallery for Saturday With The Stars, checking out the great layouts using Out of This World, Trixie Scraps great new boy kit. It is perfect for any space themed pictures you have or even just celebrating your favorite little astronaut!
Jennifer spotlighted Mother Bear in our monthly feature Sunday Spotlight. Be sure to check out the beautiful pages she is making using Trixie Scraps products. We’re always looking for inspiring pages and artists to feature in our Sunday Spotlight, so keep posting your pages in the gallery and you could be next!
Check out this beauty by Mother Bear using Always In My Heart available at Trixie Scraps Designs :: Scrapbook-Bytes :: Gotta Pixel :: PickleBerryPop
For Make It Hybrid Monday Sharon showed us the ins and outs for making a 3-dimensional egg card just in time for Easter!
Erica brought us a fresh new Desktop Freebie to spruce up your computer space. Be sure to grab that and add your photos for the month of April. Don’t forget to send copies to the grandparents for the computers too! No more complaints about not sending pictures!
PSP Users need to jump over and check out Stacey’s great post about using templates in PSP for Tips, Trends, and Techniques Tuesday! Lots of great information there!
Now, about that sneak peek for April – wanna see what’s coming soon?

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * PickleBerryPop