To all of our American followers – Happy Thanksgiving! I know that you all are busy with preparations for the big meal (and Black Friday shopping!) so I’ll keep it short!
Last Thursday Mary Kate challenged us to make our black & white photos pop and them scrap them! If you need extra help, be sure to check out this tutorial on black & white conversions. Load your page into the Trixie Scraps Gallery and you could be a show-off and get great free stuff!
On Friday, You Matter – a previous GGI release – came to all of the Trixie Scraps stores. Be sure you don’t miss this post because there’s an awesome QP freebie at the end!
In Saturday with the Stars we looked at some gorgeously inspiring layouts using Sweetened With Gratitude. Stop by for some inspiration before you sit down for turkey with your family!
In the Sunday Spotlight we learned all about karenhugh and got to see some of her lovely layouts.
If you are scrapping with Photoshop Creative Suite 5 or above don’t miss Masters Monday – Scrapping with Mini-Bridge. Learn all about this little tool that will make your memory-keeping faster and easier!
Stay glued to the blog in the next couple of days, too, because after Thanksgiving comes….Black Friday! And Black Friday means a BIG sale, a free with purchase kit at Gotta Pixel, AND a new Facebook Freebie! Wanna little peek?
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your week and I will see you here next Wednesday!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes