For at least a year we have been hearing about the end of the Mayan calendar and whether or not it predicted the end of the world. If you are reading this, then the world hasn’t ended….yet. It can be fun and meaningful to record world/historical events in these albums alongside the traditional Christmas and holiday activities. If you want to document this debate and include it in your December Daily here are some suggestions. [b]Photos[/b] A photo montage of how you spent the “last day” Screenshots or photos of news articles and headlines [b]Journaling[/b] Is this how you would have chosen to spend your “last day?” What have you feelings been about the Mayan Calendar debate up til now? Do you have any bucket list goals that remain undone? When will you do them?
Every day from November 23 until December 31 we’ll have a fun journaling and photo prompt to help jumpstart your creativity and help you complete an album that showcases this very special time of year! See all of our December Daily posts here.

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