Welcome to a brand new year every one! I’m not quite sure where 2012 went, but here we are on the first Sunday of 2013 already. It’s Jackie here again with your monthly edition of Special Request Sunday. Last month we asked all of you to share with us your favorite Trixie Scraps kit for a chance to win it. I’m happy to announce that Robinsismai won her selected kit 31 Days Has December.
Please leave us a Help Ticket message with your email address so that we can send you back a coupon to pick up your prize! You can enter your ticket here: https://www.trixiescraps.com/support.
Now, being that we are in the season of New Year’s resolutions, we want to hear from you all about what the one resolution is that you will be working hard to keep this year. Just leave a comment on this post letting us know your resolution, and be sure to include the name of the Trixie Scraps kit that you would like to win along with an email address that we can reach you at for your chance to win. One lucky winner will be selected at the beginning of next month.
Good luck!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes
My New Year’s resolution is to be more healty. Exercise and lose weight. I would love to win 31 Days Has December. Thanks for the chance. bpowersj@aol.com
My New Year’s resolution is to get healthy, more importantly be persistant in achieving this goal. I would love to win All About Me: The Tweens. Thank you so much for the chance to win
My Resolution is to get my computer organized. And to start menu planning.
My favorite is after the rain.
Thanks for your blog!
My resolution is to get a baby book done and to put together the book with my grandmother’s recipes.
My favorite would be You Matter.
opps forgot my email….justpennys at yahoo dot com
Our (Hubby & Mine) is too eat healthier this year, and hopefully in the process – lose some weight. Once it warms up a little to also start excercising! I would love to win her Change Your Fate kit! my email addy is ssheely@gmail.com. thank you for the chance!