Happy Sunday all you digiscrappers! I’m glad you could join me for the launch of a brand new theme, Sentiment Sunday.
Dictionary.com defines “sentiment” thus: sen·ti·ment [sen-tuh-muhnt] noun : 1. an attitude toward something; regard; opinion. 2. a mental feeling; emotion: a sentiment of pity. 3. refined or tender emotion; manifestation of the higher or more refined feelings. 4. exhibition or manifestation of feeling or sensibility, or appeal to the tender emotions, in literature, art, or music. 5. a thought influenced by or proceeding from feeling or emotion.
I think we’ve got a lot of fertile ground here for some great journalling. We’ll start out with NOSTALGIA – the sentimental yearning for the happiness of another place or time. Although the layouts shown below don’t actually use the word, they definitely capture the sentiment. (Like how I slipped that in there?) Since this is my blog post, you have to look at my layout first…
Trixie Scraps Star Kass’s layout isn’t about the distant past, but it evokes yearning for something that might not always be there.
Member JanetH’s IS about the distant past and the promise of a grand future.
Trixie Scraps Star Lori has the nostalgia thing well in hand here. (Pardon the pun!)
And Trixie Scraps Star Candy remembers someone whose wisdom still shapes her life.
I know you all have layouts that reflect our theme and I’m dying to see them. Bring ’em on!!
What beautiful layouts! Great post, Jan.