Can you believe we are more than a quarter of the way through 2013 already? I cannot believe how fast time is flying by this year. Here we are on the first Sunday of April with another great edition of Special Request Sunday. Last month we asked you all to share your lucky charms with us for a chance to win. A random number generator helped me choose this months winner, and a big congratulations goes out to Ephémère, Qc who won her selected kit All About Me: The Tweens.
lease leave us a Help Ticket message with your email address so that we can send you back a coupon to pick up your prize! You can enter your ticket here:
We seem to have finally had some spring weather here in my neck of the woods. The sun is shinning a little longer each day, its slowly (very slowly) getting warmer, and I have even seen some irises and daffodils starting to poke out of the soil when I walk around town. Of course I could do without the bird that has taken up residence on my bedroom window sill that likes to start singing at 5:30 every morning, but sometimes you gotta take the bad with the good right? Since I’m sure spring is on everyone’s mind this month we want you to share with us your favorite springtime activity. Just leave a comment on this post telling us about it, and be sure to include the name of the Trixie Scraps kit that you would like to win along with an email address that we can reach you at for your chance to win. One lucky winner will be selected at the beginning of next month.
Good luck!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes
My favorite thing about spring is the new growth and warmer temps. Thanks so much for the chance to win, and I guess I’d better tell you which kit I’d like to win! I would love to win All About Me: the tweens!
My favorite springtime activity is going to soccer practice and games with my granchildren!! I would love to win “31 Days Has December”. Thanks for the chance.