Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to a long overdue edition of Sunday Show Offs! We haven’t forgotten about all of you lovely folks who share your gorgeous layouts with us in the gallery every week, but we did have some obstacles to overcome with our slideshow. The good news is that we are back up and running. Today we are back to share with you 6 weeks worth of gallery goodness.
So how do you get involved in the Show Offs? Simply upload your layout using Trixie Scraps products to the Trixie Scraps Gallery and I’ll put it in the next Show Off slideshow! We’ll then send you a code via the Trixie Scraps Gallery message system for your prize! It’s that simple! Make sure you check your messages often, as the prizes do expire! It does take us a week or two to get you your code, so please be patient! Today’s slideshow features six weeks of fabulous layouts from our gallery. So grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage, pull up a chair, and enjoy the show of all the lovely layouts that have been posted in the Trixie Scraps Gallery over the last six weeks.
You can find the kits in these show offs at Trixie Scraps Store or they are also available at Gotta Pixel, Scrapbook Bytes, or Ginger Scraps.
The participants for the above Show Offs will receive Insta Happy Vol 1 Template Pack.
Wanna play along? READ HERE on how to become part of the Sunday Show-Offs!
Have a great couple of weeks. Hope to see a whole lot of new layouts from you all that we can feature in our next Show Off slideshow.
Trixie Scraps fans, as I’m sure you know National Scrapbooking Day is coming on May 4th. As a special treat for all of our Facebook Fans, we have a freebie available everyday from now until May 6th. Today’s treat is an adorable quick page made by Scrap Star Stacey using All About Me: The Littles.
Head on over the the Trixie Scraps Facebook Fan Page to like us, and then click on the FREE DOWNLOAD link to get today’s freebie. Be sure to check back each day until May 6 for a new treat.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Ginger Scraps
If our pages are in the Sunday Showoffs, how do we get the free gift? I have not received a message.
I believe we’ll get a message through the gallery. I also participated in this one and haven’t yet received the prize.
Prizes went out tonight, ladies! Check your PMs in the gallery!
Thanks for your patience 🙂 <3