Greetings once again Trixie Scrappers! This week’s free-style Saturday with the Stars features a a few of the most recent layouts posted by our terrific layout artists… and selected by MOI!
I just LOVE this one by Helen. It’s totally cute in every way. She used Out of This World to show off those great vacation photos.
What’s not to love about a little girl showing off her new glasses? Bree used Got Glasses? for this one; her vertical clustered border is so awesome!
Jessica has chosen Charlie’s Arcade to document a family visit to Chuck E. Cheese.
And Shauna’s layout honouring a special relationship with Love in the Garden is very pretty.
If those haven’t gotten you fired up to get some layouts going, you’re not paying attention! I really want to see what YOU are creating these days!!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps