Happy Sunday, all you Trixie Scraps fans! Has it started cooling down in your neck of the woods? It’s still unseasonably warm where I am, and I’m quite okay with that! Welcome to the September edition of Special Request Sunday. Congratulations to justpennys whose response to last month’s request is as follows: “My favorite back to school ritual is combing through the ads for school supplies. I love to find the deals. Sometimes the supplies are so cheap it is totally worth donating to charity. I would love to have Social Butterfly. ( a kit for today’s times) Thanks for the chance.”
To claim your prize, please submit a help ticket at Trixie Scraps with your email address and we’ll send you a coupon to use in Trixie’s store. Enjoy! Now on to this month’s Special Request. I’d like to hear about your favourite September activity. It could be the whole back-to-school routine, it could be a family activity that you engage in every September – like a birthday, an anniversary, a local event, it could be something you do for yourself at the beginning of the autumn season… whatever September means to you. I usually take my vacation in September because the weather is still pretty nice, the kids are back to school so travel is easier with highways, planes, trains and buses a little less crowded and hotel rooms are usually a bit cheaper. This year though, I’m taking a staycation. I have megaplans for my yard that this time of year will be perfect for accomplishing. What’s up for you? Come on down and share with us! One lucky winner will receive the Trixie Scraps kit of her choice simply by leaving a comment below with a response to my question, the name of the kit missing from the winner’s stash and a way to communicate with the lucky poster. Then check back here the first Sunday of next month to see if you’ve won!! Good luck!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps