How on Earth did it get to be the end of September already? In my neck of the woods we’re still having summery weather and loving every minute of it. But I digress… I’m here with all of you today to share the fabulous creativity in the Trixie Scraps gallery otherwise known as Sunday Show-offs.
Now, how does one become a Sunday Show-off, you ask? That’s really easy (and a lot of fun)! First, you’ve gotta get yourself some lovely digiscrapping goodies from Trixie’s collection and put them to use. Then post your layouts into the Trixie Scraps Gallery for the world to see. Once a month we put all the qualifying layouts into our Sunday Show-offs album and Trixie sends each participant a little gift. (You’ll get a message from Trixie through the Trixie Scraps forum message system – it takes a few days – so make sure you check your messages often!)
And without further ado, let me show you this month’s Show-offs!
You can find the kits in these Show-Offs at Trixie Scraps Store; they are also available at Gotta Pixel, Ginger Scraps and Scrapbook Bytes.
The participants for the above Show-Offs will receive a surprise kit of Trixie’s choice.
Rock and roll, ladies!!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps