October is just flying by, isn’t it? It’s still unseasonably warm here in north-central Alberta, where by mid-October most years we’ve already seen our first snow flurries. Not this year!! This weekend is a long one, both here in Canada – where it’s Thanksgiving – and in the United States, celebrating Columbus Day. And (drum roll please…) it’s also Special Request Sunday at Trixie Scraps!
Last month I asked our readers to comment about favourite September activities. I plugged the possible winners’ names into Random.org and this is the result:
Meagan’s winning post reads: ” Every September, we host our Salsa Party. This year will be our 14th annual event. Everyone brings a salsa to share, there are even prizes to the best ones. Right now, I am hand painting terra cotta pots for the prizes! Lots of fun. One of the kits that I would love to add to my collection is the Natural Beauty – although, would love a salsa themed one, hint hint ;)” Meagan, keep an eye on your email for your prize! (Good choice, by the way!)
That brings us to this month’s Special Request. I love the colours of fall, even though in this part of the world they tend more toward yellow, brown and gray. I love the slight nip in the air and the smell of burning leaves. I love getting ready for Halloween and planning for the holidays. I love all the fun stuff that comes with Digital Scrapbooking Day at the beginning of November. I hate having to scrape frost off my windows when I leave for work at 6 a.m. and I hate that it’s dark earlier and earlier every day. I wait in dread for the first snowfall that doesn’t melt. But I know that spring always follows winter, so I can bide my time – scrapping! For your chance to win the Trixie Scraps kit that you’ve coveted but don’t yet have, I’d like you to talk about what you like best and what you like least about autumn. In your comment include the name of your desired kit and an email address so we can get your prize to you. Then come back here the second Sunday of November to see if you’ve won. Pretty simple, isn’t it??
See you all back here next month!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps