November’s always an exciting time of year for me. Not only do we get to celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S., I also get to celebrate my birthday, wedding anniversary and my husband’s birthday. I hope each of you have exciting things to celebrate this month as well. Now let’s get on with Special Request Sunday…
Last month Jan asked each of you to talk a little bit about what you like and dislike about Fall. I took the 4 responses and plugged them into and this is the result:
Congrats, Brenda!
This was how Brenda described what she liked and disliked about Fall: “I love the cooler weather of fall and all the fun things we do as a family! We always go to the pumpkin patch and the corn field maze in October! Also love all the fun Halloween decorations. I dislike the shorter days. Wish we could have daylight savings time all year. Would love to win Black Tie Event! Thanks for the chance.”
Brenda, you are getting your wish. Watch for Black Tie Event to come your way.
Let’s talk about this months Special Request. I recently lost my Father in Law after a short 5 month battle with Cancer. It’s been a rough couple weeks and as a family we’re trying to really concentrate on the good memories we have of him and what a great man he was. So my question for this month’s Special Request is what are you most Thankful for this holiday season? For me it’s all the things we were able to do with my Father in Law for years and years. I’m also thankful that I was able to spend at least an hour or so with him while he was still somewhat ‘with it’ a few days before he passed.
So if you want a chance to win that kit you’ve been keeping an eye on, but don’t have yet – simply comment below with your answer. Also please include your email so that we can get your prize to you. Then come on back next month to see if you’ve won.
Until next month.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps