The countdown is on! 3 weeks until Christmas… and I’ve barely begun getting ready. There have been too many other things competing for my time and attention, but I’m going to buckle down and get it done. Seriously.
In keeping with the big event heading our way in no time, our Take $2 Tuesday deals are Christmas-themed. Remember Bethlehem and Presents Everywhere are the featured kits and you’re going to LOVE them!
Remember Bethlehem is up first in our inspiration lineup. Lori and Jennifer have used it to echo a theme.
Stacy has used some of the same elements, but with a different direction.
Shauna’s layout has nothing to do with Christmas, but is beautiful just the same.
Presents Everywhere is sparkly and cheerful. You may remember a layout I showed you when Bursting with Photos was up for T$2T that used it, but in case you don’t, I’ve found some more to show you… starting with Mary Kate.
Laina’s layout chronicles her son’s Wish List…
and Stacey’s is all about a tree.
Helen took the theme to its logical conclusion!
So there you have them – this week’s T$2T deals. They’re only available for today at this low, low price. (And you thought Cyber Monday was the end of the bargains…) If you suddenly have developed a burning need to capture these kits, just click on one of the store links below and make them yours!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps