Well, I guess it’s time to close the door on 2013… What a year! Soon the fuss and frenzy of the holidays will be a distant memory and you’ll have lots of time to scrap all those great photos you took that are sitting in your cyber shoebox. This week’s $2 kits will help, not just for winter photos but for any special ones you have. First up is Winter on the Mountain (and I won’t lie, it’s one of my go-to kits!).
Jennifer used the red bits for her layout.
Laina’s visits with Santa layout is sweet.
Stacy’s layout isn’t Christmas-related at all, but it’s gorgeous anyway.
Kris’s just makes me smile all over my face.
Looks like EVERYBODY loves that plaid paper! ;D
Mary Kate used Winter Carolers for this beauty.
I love this one by Helen too.
I love the bark on Stacey’s Christmas tree layout. Very à propos!
I promise, the photo is not a vintage one. I took it out in the woods one day and still love it.
How’s that for inspiration?? Don’t you love how there are so many possibilities from just one kit? These gems can be yours today (and only today) for the low, low price of just $2 each. Click on one of the store links below and get them now while you’re thinking about it!
From Trixie and all of the Trixie Scraps Stars, thank you for your loyalty and your interest in what we do here. May 2014 be the best year EVER!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps