My One Little Word for 2014 is RESOLVE. This word can be either a verb or a noun, and in this instance I’m using it as a noun.
re·solve [ri-zolv]
– a resolution or determination made, as to follow some course of action.
– firmness of purpose or intent; determination.
Each of us eventually comes to the realization that only we have the ability to change our own behaviour… and that the only behaviour we can truly change is our own. Most New Year’s resolutions involve things like “I’m going to lose weight” or “I’m going to start working out” or “I’m going to save some money”. They’re always worthy resolutions, but are rather vague and usually are cast aside shortly after they’re made. I’m hoping that the things I have resolved to do in 2014 are achieved.
What do YOU resolve to change about your own behaviour?
Layout created with Blue Jean Boy

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