Welcome to the first Special Request Sunday of 2014! Due to the way the schedule works out, this months post is coming just slightly early, but I don’t think anyone will mind.
Last month I asked what would be on your grown-up Christmas list and we only had one entry, so our winner is…Brenda Powers. Congratulations!
I love Brenda’s answer and it something that would definitely be on my list as well:
“My wish would be for technology to advance so that we would have cures for many of the birth defects that children are born with. I would love to have your kit Blue Jean Boy. Thanks for the chance to win!?”
Blue Jean Boy will be headed your way.
With the start of the new year, there’s always resolutions being made. Well, for most people. I don’t really make resolutions, cause I know I won’t keep them. HA! But for those of you out there that make resolutions, what is the strangest resolution you’ve ever made?
You want to get the kit you’ve been eyeing, answer the question above and you just might get it. Come back next month to see who will win their coveted kit. Please include your email in your answers as well, it’ll help us get your kit to you if you win.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps