Hey, it must be just about Super Bowl time! How do I know?? Trixie’s got Pigskin Party up for this week’s featured Take $2 Tuesday kit, and three add-ons for it (frame clusters, quick pages and word art) available for $1 each. The Take $2 Tuesday template pack this time around is Collage Collectors Volume 1. What kind of fun can you get up to with these??
Lori used Pigskin Party for this layout – notice how the kit coordinates so well with the boy’s shirt?
I think Laina has used the whole kit on this layout which is all about her newly found love of football.
Mary Kate’s layout is all about family bonding… and football!
But you don’t have to be a football fan, or even know anything about football, to use this kit, as Beth shows us with this one.
I love the muted colours Carrin has used here for her Collage Collectors layout.
Mary Kate added a few assorted embellies to her Collage.
SO there you have it… all the inspiration you need to put any or all of these great deals to work. Just click on one of the store links below and pick up whatever tickles your fancy today. But don’t forget, if you wait too long you’ll end up losing out on the special price – only good today. Don’t let them slip through your fingers!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps