Tomorrow is Valentines Day so it’s no surprise that todays challenge is about love. The word for this challenge is yearning.
With the Olympic Wintergames going on, I am totally involved with it. We (as in my country the Netherlands) are doing really good this year but I get much more excited about seeing the shots of the village and Medals Plaza. It takes me back to the Olympics of 2010 in Vancouver and Whister. I so want to go back in time and experience it all again!
I used the A Thankful Heart collection to make my layout.
So the job I have for you is to take a little look into your heart and make a layout about whatever you’re yearning for right now.
For those that are not too familiar with the word yearning, here is a little help:
noun: yearning; plural noun: yearnings
a feeling of intense longing for something.
“he felt a yearning for the mountains”
synonyms: longing, craving, desire, want, wish, hankering, urge, hunger, thirst, appetite, lust, ache;
informal: yen, itch

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