Hello Trixie Fans! Who’s ready for another Special Request Sunday? These are such fun posts, I love reading all your fun answers.
Last month I asked you to tell me what about the strangest resolution you’ve ever made was. I loved all of the answers and there are a few that I should think about adopting. I plugged in our comments on Random.Org and it gave us our winner…
Congratulations Penny!
Penny’s kind of like me and sticks to the ‘traditional’ kinds of resolutions. Here’s what she had to say:
“Strangest resolution? not for me. I usually just to the usual, eat healthy, lose 10 lbs, walk 3x/week, etc. I’d select Blue Jean Boy as well.”
Well Penny, today is your lucky day and Blue Jean Boy will be heading your way.
So we all know that February is the month of Love and I want to know what you absolutely love about digi scrapbooking. For me it’s that I don’t have to make a big huge mess any time I want to scrap. I like that it’s all contained in one little space on my computer and fixing mistakes is super easy. So what is it that you love about digi scrapping?
Give me your answers and then come back next week to see if you win. Remember, this is a super easy way to get the one kit you’ve been eyeing.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps