Hi Trixie fans! We’re here at the end of March (hard to believe!), and it’s time to look back at what’s been happening around here this past week.
On Thursday, Helen brought us a fun photo challenge.
Shilo was here on Saturday showcasing some great layouts using Trixie’s Spring Fling collection. Trixie also announced the closing of her shop at Gotta Pixel. Don’t worry…she’s still at GingerScraps, My Memories, and right here in her own store!
Shilo came back on Sunday to bring us the Sunday Show-Off slideshow.
And on Monday, Shilo was back with another great tutorial on how to color correct using levels in PSP.
Until next week, happy scrapping!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps