I’ve had a month of sickness in my house. Every week someone’s been sick and as of this moment, I have a pretty sick baby. For that reason, my creative juices are pretty much past empty. But, I didn’t want to leave you dear Trixie fans without a Master’s Monday, so I thought today I’d share my process when I use a template. This is going to be a really quick post, but I hope someone can get something out of it.
Whenever I work with a template, I seem to choose the template before any other item. For this layout I worked with one that was recently released as part of March 2014 Templatetopia and it is A Banner Day Vol. 2.
Then I’ll look at how many photos the template calls for. Sometimes I’ll see if there’s places I can add more photos or take a photo away and see if the template will work.
After I have my photo(s) chosen, I’ll go shopping for a kit. For this particular template and the photo I chose, I went with Black Tie Event . The colors in this kit went perfectly with the photo I used.
I then get to work with my layout. I start from the bottom and work my way up, leaving my title for last. My page is then complete. Here’s a look at it.
And that’s the way I do things. Others may do things differently, but I’ve found that by working a small piece at a time I can get things to flow better and the creative process goes much quicker.

Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps