Welcome to March and another wonderful weekend, Trixie fans.
My family and I are gearing up for a trip to Disneyland in the next few days, so I’m all about looking into all the Disney kits Trixie has in store. One that works on many levels is Mr. & Mrs. Mouse and I wanted to share a few fun layouts our stars have made with this kit.
Let’s start off with a wonderful layout by Carrin. I love how her layout captures the essence of Disneyland with just 3 photos. Her title is so very appropriate and I love the center clusters as well as the fun stitching around the outside of her layout.
I absolutely love Shauna’s layout and the way it just screams fun. I love the stacked papers and the use of white space. I also like the way the photos are arranged. The title really brings this page together.
Stacy scrapped a page about her favorite princess. I love the vertical cluster and the heart spill. I also like the fun clusters peeking out from behind her photos.
MK got a chance to get shots of Mickey and Minnie’s houses before Toon Town closed. What a great thing to scrap about. I love MK’s paper choices and the way she did her journaling.
And we all know how much I love it when someone takes a kit and uses it for something other than it’s obvious use. Bethie did just that. I love all the stitching she has on this layout. I also love how her shadowing makes this page look like a tactile page.
I can’t wait to get back from Disneyland and start using this kit. Do you have any Disney pictures that are crying out for this kit? Well, get busy and scrap them. If you don’t have any Disney themed pictures – take a cue from Bethie and use this kit in some other creative way. We love to see it.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps