Welcome to another Saturday here at the Trixie Scraps blog. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday no matter how you are spending it. With Easter on it’s way I thought it would be appropriate to show you the fun you can have with the kit Dye Job.
I love the feel of this kit and it is perfect for those pictures of dying eggs. I love all the fun word arts included in this kit as well as all the eggs. Did you notice there’s also Easter grass elements in this kit. So fun! And any kit that has glitter always ends up on my list of favorites.
So what can you do with this kit? Let’s take a look.
Kris starts us out with a bang. Her photo is hilarious and I can’t not laugh when I look at it. I love the blocked design of her layout and the way it shows off different papers. She has very little embellishment, but it totally works and doesn’t overload her page.
I love everything about Jennifer’s page. It starts with the egg shaped papers in the background and then we see the layered papers. She has so many photos on this layout I just love it. She also made great use of the egg and grass elements included in this kit.
Stacy’s next. She chose some wonderful papers to go along with her photos. I love her use of elements and the way she matted a couple photos off center. I really love the little cluster along the bottom left side of her layout.
MK’s layout has a very nice flow to it. I love the shape of her background/layered papers. I also like that she did her journaling on a patterned paper. I love the way her bottom pictures flow and the way she framed her main photo.
Stacey’s two-pager will take us out today. I absolutely love the diagonal feel to this layout. I like the kraft-type paper and the way she laid her photos on top of it. Probably what I love most, though, is her photos and that’s she is in them. Make sure you get in your photos. Stacey also has some fun little clusters playing throughout her layout.
Hopefully we’ve got you ‘egg-cited’ to use this kit. Grab it before you dye eggs so that you can scrap those egg dying pictures when you’re done. Then take yourselves on over to our gallery and share your wonderful works of art.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps