It seems like it’s been FOREVER since our last Special Request Sunday, so thank goodness it’s that time of month again. Today is the where all you have to do is answer a question and you automatically get a chance to win a kit you’ve been eyeing.
Last month I asked you what you’d do if you found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. From the answers it sounds like we all want to pay off our houses and take a vacation. I’m all in. I loved everyone’s answers, but gave us our winner:
Congratulations Jennifer!
Here’s what Jennifer would earn her hard earned gold on:
“I’d pay off student loans, the house, the cars, and take a Disney vacation. For a smaller pot, I’d order photo books I’ve been meaning to have printed.”
Jennifer, Social Butterfly will be coming your way soon. Keep an eye out! Please reply to this post or shoot me an email at thelethargicpoet(at)gmail(dot)com with your email address so that we can get your kit sent to you. Also, quickly fill out a help ticket here, to help you get your kit quicker.
Spring is absolutely my favorite time of the year. I really enjoy how fresh and clean the world starts to look. I enjoy the smell of rain and seeing rainbows afterwards. I love that I can be outside without getting too hot or too cold. So my question for you this month is, what is your favorite thing about Spring?
Let me know what your favorite thing about Spring is and you might just be the lucky soul next month that wins the kit they’ve been eyeing. Please make sure to include your email addresses in your answers, so that when you win we can get your kit out to you.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps