Happy Mother’s Day to our Trixie Fans out there. I hope that however you are spending the day, it is enjoyable.
It’s time for another Special Request Sunday!
Last month I was curious about what your favorite thing about Spring was. I loved the answers and it sounds like we all just look forward to the warmth and color. Let’s see who random.org picked as this month’s winner:
Congratulations Theresa!
Theresa’s favorite thing about Spring:
“Just love seeing some color (it gets a little old all the white from snow) and being able to have the windows open!?.”
Theresa, we’d love to get you your free kit, so please reply to this post or shoot me an email at thelethargicpoet(at)gmail(dot)com with your email address and which kit you’d like so that we can get it sent your way. Also, quickly fill out a help ticket here, to help you get your kit quicker.
This is such a crazy, but fun time of year. The school year winds to a close and the kids are ready to just be kids for awhile, I’m ready to be off of a schedule for a few months. I like the freedom that this time of year allows. I especially like that baseball season is starting up. Two of my little guys are playing this year so we’ll have some busy Saturdays ahead of us. Speaking of baseball, let us know what team you root for (even if it is just a hometown team or your kids’ teams)! Give a shout out to your favorite team and it just may win you the kit you just haven’t gotten around to purchasing.
Please make sure to include your email addresses in your answers as well as the name of the kit you’d like, so that when you win we can get your kit out to you.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps