Happy Sunday, Trixie Fans. I hope you are having a relaxing Sunday and enjoying the end to a fun summer weekend. Today it’s time for Special Request Sunday!
Last month I asked what team you’d be rooting for this baseball season. From the answers, it sounds like we’re all pretty spread out with our favorite teams. Let’s see which team random.org roots for:
Looks like it’s a home run for the Braves! Congrats, Brenda!
Brenda says she’s not really of fan of baseball, but when she does watch – she roots for the Braves!
Brenda, Always In My Heart will be headed your way soon. Please help us get your kit to you and fill out a help ticket here.
Summer is getting ready to get into full swing around these parts and I can’t wait to do more things outdoors. One of my absolutely favorite things to do in the summer is to go camping and I’m hoping we can go a few times. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Let me know and next month you just may win a kit that’s been on your wish list for awhile now.
Please make sure to include your email addresses in your answers as well as the name of the kit you’d like, so that when you win we can get your kit out to you.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps