Welcome to another Sunday here at the Trixie Scraps blog. I’m sorry for getting our Show-Offs posted late. In all the hub-bub with school ending and life in general – Sunday kind of snuck up on me. But even though it’s late our Show-Off slideshow is here.
Would you like to know how you can become a showoff? It’s easy to do. Simply upload a layout using Trixie Scraps products to the Trixie Scraps Gallery and I’ll put it in the next Show Off slideshow! You’ll then get a prize code via the Trixie Scraps Gallery message system! Honestly, it really is that simple! Make sure you check your messages often, as the prizes do expire! It does take us a week or two to get you your code, so please, please be patient!
We have a few Show-Offs today and I love that one of them is a siggy!
Thanks for sharing your work with us!
You can find the kits used in these show offs at the Trixie Scraps Store, Ginger Scraps or MyMemories.
The participants for the above Show-Off will receive the bonus alpha for After 10 Years.
Have you decided you’d like to play along? READ HERE to see how to become part of the Sunday Show-Offs and we’ll see you again in a couple of weeks!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps