Hello everyone and welcome to a beautiful sunny monday, a great start of the new week!
Today I want to give you some tips and ideas about what to do with glitter papers. Many Trixie Scraps kits have glitter papers as an add-on product. I personally love them but sometimes they can be difficult to use. And that’s why I made todays post. So here are some ways to incorporate those glittery papers!
Use it as a paper
Glitter papers are the same size and quality as other papers: 12×12 inches, 300dpi. So you can use them as normal papers. For example as a background paper or paper strip border.
In this layout Trixie Star Shilo used a glitter paper as a paper background layer. It creates just a little umph to this lovely layout!
Clip it to elements or shapes
I love to clip glitter papers to shapes or elements. Add the glitter paper on top of the element/shape. Right click on the glitter paper layer, then select [create clipping mask]. This way your glitter paper will get clipped to the shape of your element. Remember that an element has depth, clipping a glitter paper (or any paper for that matter) to it will take away the depth in the element. Of course you can still add a drop shadow.
In this layout I clipped a rusty red paper to a big elephant shaped element. I have gotten many positive responses on this layout, especially saying that they love the glitter elephant.
Glitterize your title
Sometimes you want a bold title but there is no alpha included in the kit. Or you don’t want to use the font that’s included because it doesn’t fit your layout, you don’t like it, whatever. You can make a simple glitter title by using any font and glitter papers.
Find a pretty font and type out your title. Make sure the title is exactly how you want it because after the next step you will be unable to edit the text. (Of course you can just retype and start over.) If your text looks good, click right on the text layer in the layer palette and select [rastarize layer]. And then you clip your glitter paper to it just like you did before: add the glitter paper on top of the title layer, right click on the glitter paper layer, then select [create clipping mask].
Trixie Star Jennifer used a lot of glitter on this layout. Not only did she clip glitter papers to the arrow shapes, she also glitterized her title! No, this is not a wordart from the kit, she typed out this title and then clipped a glitter paper to it. How simple but oh so pretty.
Sprinkle it on
If you want your glitter to a bit more like real life glitter you just sprinkled on your layout, then use a brush! It will look like you added glue to your paper and sprinkled glitter on top of it. I am sure you’ve all seen glitter spills in kits before. Or papers with glittered edges. Well, you can create something like that yourself!
Always add a new layer to your layout when working with brushes or else you will make your brush strokes on the one you were just working on. So go to your [layer] option in your toolbar, select [new] and then [layer].
Find a pretty brush or several you want to use and select the right size. Make the shape you want with your brush or brushes and then just clip your glitter paper to it. You can also clip your glitter to the new layout you created before you use the brush. That way it’s easier to make the glitter just like you want it.
In the next layout by Trixie Star Carrin, you can see she used some glitter and paint on her background paper. Now I am pretty sure that these paint and glitter splats were included in the kit, but if they are not you can very easily recreate them by doing as I described above. It just gives your layout a little extra colour and glamour.
And that was it! Of course there are many more ways to use glitter papers, these are just a few ways I like to use them. How do you like to use your glitter papers? Tell use in the comments!
Have a great week!

Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps