It’s another Sunday here at the Trixie Scraps blog. It’s also time for another Special Request Sunday!
Last month I wanted to know what you were all looking forward to this summer.
We only had one person let us know what she was looking forward to and that was Brenda P.
What does Brenda look forward to? “I love to spend time at the beach with my family. All my kids and their families will be spending time together at the beach this summer.”
Congratulations, Brenda! Enjoy your time at the beach with the family. All About Me: The Tweens will be headed your way soon. Please help us get your kit to you and fill out a help ticket here.
I’m getting a little bored and have a bit of cabin fever. Having gone on vacation earlier this year, we don’t have any plans for a vacation this summer. However, if I could take a vacation to anywhere, right now – I’d be heading to Holland. I’ve always been intriqued with windmills and my favorite flowers are tulips – so it just makes sense.
My question for you this month is: assuming money is no object, where would you choose to vacation at this exact moment in time?
Let me know where you want to go and next month you just might win the kit you’ve been eyeing for a while.
Please make sure to include your email addresses in your answers as well as the name of the kit you’d like, so that when you win we can get your kit out to you.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps