Happy July, scrapping friends! Let’s look back at the past week here on the blog.
Shauna brought us our Thursday challenge…a great recipe challenge. Go check it out!
Shauna was back on Saturday to show off some of Scrap Star Carrin’s fantastic pages.
On Sunday, Shilo was here with our Sunday Show-Off…post your page to the TS gallery and get highlighted here on the blog!
And on Monday, MK shared a great tutorial on how to use the healing brush. This is a great way to touch up your photos. The only problem…once I learned to do this my aunts and cousins started sending me photos to fix up for them. :DD
I wish all of you a wonderful week, and happy scrapping. For those of you here in the States, Happy Independence Day! Stay safe, keep your pets inside during the fireworks, and let freedom ring!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps