Another week has flown by and it’s time to look back at the past week on the blog.
On Thursday Shilo brought our weekly challenge to you, and this is one of my favorites…a template challenge! Don’t miss out!
Berniek shared a fantastic font with us on Friday. Love this one…thanks, Berniek!
Shilo showed off some great layouts using Trixie’s Stars & Stripes on Saturday.
On Sunday, Shilo was back again with our Special Request Sunday. Make sure to check it out for a chance to win a kit of your choice.
And on Monday, Shilo was back yet again (you’ve been busy this week, Shilo!) with some tips on getting the most out of the blog.
And finally, I want to remind you about the North Meets South Studios daily download on the GingerScraps blog! Until next week, happy scrapping!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps